“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.”
– Rumi

“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for Unity and Love.”
– Gandhi

“Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair”
– Khalil Gibran

What is Sundara?
Sundara is a Sanskrit word that translates best as ‘beautiful’.
I chose Sundara as I resonate very deeply with the natural beauty in all things. I love that beauty surrounds us at all times at any given moment. I love that sometimes all it takes is a bit of time, a bit of patience, often some compassion and understanding or a combination of any of those three, to realise that what began to perhaps appear to be ugly, if you really look can actually be very beautiful.
All throughout my life the natural beauty of our world and our surroundings has brought me great comfort, great joy, inspiration, wonderment and mostly, great peace. This deep appreciation evolved into being able to see the same beauty in people and the different landscapes of peoples’ lives, bodies, relationships as well as their sufferings.
The energy and intention behind Sundara Yoga and Wellness is to support you to find, to feel, to see, and to experience the most beautiful version of yourself and to bring you home to a state of wholeness and peace.
Jo Baker - Yoga Teacher
Jo has been a student of yoga for over 25 years. Initially in her early 20’s, yoga was an important source of support both mentally and physically to help endure the long hours of the corporate world. Yoga and Yoga Philosophy, along with the sister science, Ayurveda, have all been the teachings and references that have continuously helped steer Jo’s choices and actions throughout motherhood, relationships and life in general including personal and spiritual growth as she continues to navigate the usual ebbs and flows of one’s path.
Jo’s approach in her teaching is personalised and she is wanting to offer a space for all students to find peace within themselves, through connecting with their bodies and breath so that peace can flow on to other areas in their lives.
Formal trainings and certifications include Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher Training 2008; Yoga Rhythms Teacher Training 2012; Yin Teacher Training 2017. Various workshops covering Yoga Nidra, Ayurveda, Anxiety, Depression, Arthritis, Spine Care, Chakra’s, and a deep spiritual participation in Radiant Light Temple teachings during 2013-2015.